Topics 2019


ICCDMAP2019 is the third edition of this international conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers. It is held biennially and alternately in India and Portugal.

The conference provides an innovative environment for the discussion of the emerging technologies associated with direct digital manufacturing, its wide/based applications and the new materials associated with this exciting technology.

The four day meeting is sub/divided in to 8 themed half/day sessions. We emphasis that all topics which are connected with above overview are welcome.

Day 1 | Opening session accompanied by a plenary lecture on Direct Digital Manufacturing. Focused on Biopolymers from the viewpoint of sustainability but also as materials for generating biomedical devices such as scaffolds for tissue engineering addressing topics such as cancer and organ replacement.

Day 2 |  Focused on the connections with Industry and starts with a session on Mathematics in Industry, which is a strongly growing topic around the world and in the afternoon by a session on Chemistry in Industry.

Day 3 |  Draws together work on polymers as new materials or new processing  with the afternoon focused on Health applications in medical imaging, oncology, tissue repair, organ replacement, bone regeneration.

Day 4 | Focused on engineering and physics. Engineering here involves all fields of engineering including chemical engineering and biotechnology. Physics involves all areas of physics related to the technology including material physics, properties and new behaviour.

Papers which related to simulation or numerical modelling will be especially welcomed as will be worked performed by international teams from different disciplines.